Global& multicultural
Committed explorers of new possibilities
““Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.””
To engage with a group of interdisciplinary problem solvers and support the co-creation process to move regenerative intentions into action.
My intention is to co-create conditions that enable people to be free and to re-connect money, nature and community.
Regenerate Value Flows bringing forward the most beautiful world our hearts know possible
Every value trans-action in society adds profit to the values the community selected consensually
I want to be part and in service of the regeneration network in central Portugal. For me, regeneration is about restoring 3 important connections for humanity, between humans and humans, between humans and nature, and between humans and our food. I like to learn, to share, and to learn by sharing.
My focus is to design and promote sustainable and equitable systems between the Biosphere and the Technosphere.
Evaluate, support, research and develop projects and technologies focused on changing the way people interact with money and with others in different social contexts.
I intend my actions to build an ecological society where dignity, care, justice and peace are pillars of our community.
My intention is to leave this world not less but more beautiful than I found it. - ephebic oath, Ancient Greece, circa 4BC
Be part of this community of Change Makers to co-create and invite others to walk this path of reconnecting people, purpose, and planet.
Redirect capital flows towards more sustainable economic activities and help social entrepreneurs to finance their projects
A minha intenção é participar e saber como participar numa sociedade centrada na nos valores da ecologia, gerar aceitação e entendimento das nossas imperfeições como caminho para aprofundar o conhecimento partilhado
Minha intenção em participar do Value Flow é contribuir para a investigação e disseminação de novas formas de pensar e agir nos âmbitos social, econômico e ambiental, tendo a lógica regenerativa e distributiva como base. Tenho particular interesse em explorar novas formas de se criar e fazer negócios, a partir dessa logica regenerativa e distributiva.
Contribuir para a Regeneração do Planeta
To embrace an integral approach to development that effectively provides value towards the whole.
To re-member a natural way of being where life and nature co-creates value to serve all life beings, and circulate in abundance in the natural lifecycle of death and birth.